5 Questions With The June #DryTortugas Photo Contest Winner

June Winner Dry Tortugas

Meet Mike Koester, our June 2019 #DryTortugas Photo Contest winner. We had the chance to ask him a few questions about his experience at the Dry Tortugas National Park. Read on to learn how he captured his amazing photo!

1. When did you visit the Dry Tortugas National Park? Did you arrive by seaplane, the Yankee Freedom ferry or another way?
My visit to the Dry Tortugas was in mid January. Myself and a few friends went by the Yankee Freedom Ferry.

2. If you arrived by the Yankee Freedom, how was your ferry trip?
The ferry ride was a little rough due to the weather conditions but it was well worth the trip.

3. What made your trip to the Dry Tortugas memorable?
The whole trip was memorable. The fort, beaches and the overall amazing scenery, it’s really a photographers dream with endless opportunities. I’d also like to point out that the yankee freedom ferry crew was amazing! Extremely friendly, helpful and very professional. Even in poor weather conditions they were amazing with staying on top of everything and everyone that wasn’t used to being in rough water. Kudos to the whole staff.

4. What do you plan to do with your National Park Annual Pass? Which national park would you like to visit next?
As far as the next national park I’d like to visit, the opportunities are endless. Might even have to make a road trip out of it. I’ll definitely be coming back to the Dry Tortugas again.

