5 Questions With The March 2015 #DryTortugas Photo Contest Winner

March Dry Tortugas Photo Contest Winner

Meet Michael Kagdis, our March 2015 #DryTortugas Photo Contest winner. We had the chance to ask him a few questions about his experience at the Dry Tortugas National Park. Read on to learn how he captured his amazing photo!

1. When did you visit the Dry Tortugas National Park? Did you arrive by seaplane, the Yankee Freedom ferry or another way?

I visited the Dry Tortugas National Park by the Yankee Freedom ferry during my New Year’s family vacation in January 2012.

2. How was your ferry trip?

The cruise to and from the Dry Tortugas National Park was marked by sensational views of the Marquesa Islands and Boca Grande. I particularly enjoyed the sights and sounds of the local marine life. A pod of dolphins playfully swam alongside the ferry for a portion of the voyage.

3. How did you capture your winning photo? What inspired you to take it? Did you use any cool camera gear?

My interest in the wall was captured when I learned the massive fortress is the largest masonry project in the Americas and is composed of more than 16 million bricks. The flaws in the structure seemed to echo its rich history. The photo was taken using a very capable Fuji Finepix S6000fd super zoom digital camera.

4. What made your trip to the Dry Tortugas memorable?

The captivating history of the fort blended with the spectacular views of crystal clear water and seemingly untouched beaches made my trip remarkable.

5. What do you plan to do with your National Park Annual Pass? Which national park would you like to visit next?

I have always had a desire to visit the nesting territories of the Peregrine falcons on the Precipice and Valley Cove Cliffs in Acadia National Park. I also intend to enjoy an annual sojourn to Fort Jefferson.
